
BATTERY JAPAN [March] - Int'l Rechargeable Battery Expo 2025

BATTERY JAPAN [March] - Int'l Rechargeable Battery Expo Koto 2025
From February 19, 2025 until February 21, 2025
Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)

BATTERY JAPAN - About the Show

BATTERY JAPAN. Consisting and Concurrent Shows for SMARTENERGY WEEK. -Held within GREEN TRANSFORMATIONWEEK (a simultaneous show).

Batteries are key to reaching carbon neutrality in 2050, as they will contribute greatly to the popularity of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles. BATTERY JAPAN brings together a wide range of technologies, materials, devices, and components for the development and production of rechargeable batteries. Professionals from around the globe attend this show.

The 7 Shows that Make Up SMART ENERGY Week.

View show photos and visitor numbers, as well as concurrent events.

Learn more about Japan's largest trade show organizer.

Information on the show plan, benefits of exhibiting and other information.

List of exhibitors, registration for visitors, etc.

Hits: 4241

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of BATTERY JAPAN [March] - Int'l Rechargeable Battery Expo

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan


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