
Dental South China International Expo 2025

Dental South China International Expo
From March 03, 2025 until March 06, 2025
Guangzhou - China Import and Export Fair(Canton Fair Complex), Guangdong, China
86-20- 8356 1589
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)


Guangdong International Science and Technology Exhibition Co.,Ltd.

Hits: 86383

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of Dental South China International Expo

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Guangzhou - China Import and Export Fair(Canton Fair Complex), Guangdong, China Guangzhou - China Import and Export Fair(Canton Fair Complex), Guangdong, China


invitation for visiting China Exhibition
Invitation Letter To the competent authorities in China
Dear Sir/Madam
For further investigation and commercial discussion, we, International Dent Company, are honored to submit to you a successful request for the presence of Mr. NOMAN ALI AHMED AL -ASBAHI, who holds
passport No. (08946896), and the General Manager
AL Asbahi For Trading
the company to visit China to conduct further commercial negotiations between us and the companies wit which we cooperate in the commercial field. We are their agents in Yemen, so we will benefit in the commercial field by attending the dental exhibition that will be held in China from March 3, 4, 5, and 6, 2024. We have registered on th conference website and received an invitation from the exhibition
Noaman Alasbahi
AL Asbahi For Trading

محمد زهير زيدان
من فضلك ارسل لي رسالة دعوة لحضور المعرض
من فضلك ارسل لي رسالة دعوة لحضور المعرض
Sriprapa Puritanasarn
The detail of booth
กรุณาส่งข้อมูลท ี่จำเป็นเพื่อขอ วีซ่าและเข้าร่ว มนิทรรศการ
ในฐานะผู้เยี่ยม ชม (2 ท่าน: sriprapa and wasana thailand 2คน
กรุณาส่งข้อมูลแ ละการลงทะเบียนม าที่ k-ungnaka@hotmail .com
ขอขอบคุณล่วงหน้ า

Me gustaría saber más sobre los expositores y otras ferias dentales
Clélio leão
Gostaria de saber os expositores
Anthony Cameron Mbachu
Canton Fair Visitation
I would like to be part of the 2022 Canton Fair Exhibition
دكتور احمد عباس قابيل
حضور معرض اسنان جنوب الصين
اتمنى حضور المعرض و الحصول على تاشيرة الصين من سفارتها بالقاهرة
Ixchel Vidrio
Información sobre la Exposición, gracias
Hola buen día, estoy interesada, soy de México y quiero saber qué necesito para asistir a la exposición o Feria Dental , muchas gracias

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