
Exposure Youth Camp 2024

Exposure Youth Camp Huntsville 2024
From December 27, 2024 until December 29, 2024
Huntsville - Von Braun Center, Alabama, USA
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)
Categories: Tourism Industry

Exposure Youth Camp

Be the first to Know. EXPOSURE YOUTH CAMPS. 1630 Piedmont Road Marietta, Georgia 30066. Email: [email protected].

You can find all your EYC questions about the event, registration or other topics here.

Register to be the first to hear about registration and all the latest news on EYC.

Every year, the Exposure Youth Camp is held in Huntsville (AL) from December 27-30. We will be searching for absolute truths in a world of fake reality. Join us on our journey into reality.

We are very excited for EYC 2023, and we appreciate that you chose to participate in this year's event. We are changing our pricing structure due to the price increase of hotels and food. EYC wants to keep the price per person as low as possible.

After October 31st, shirts cannot be guaranteed.

Registration includes 7 meals per day, 7 nights of hotel accommodation, a t-shirt and entry to the event.

We try to make Exposure Youth Camp affordable for everyone. We have raised the fees for the first year in a long time due to the continued increase of food and hotel costs. We will continue to do everything we can to make this event as accessible and affordable as possible.

You can pay for your registration with a credit/debit at the time of purchasing. You can also send your order by check to: Exposure Youth Camp* 1630 Piedmont Rd Marietta, GA 3066.

Have questions about EYC? Visit our FAQs to learn more. You need to contact us? Need to reach us? Contact us at any time by emailing [email protected].

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Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of Exposure Youth Camp

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Huntsville - Von Braun Center, Alabama, USA Huntsville - Von Braun Center, Alabama, USA


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