
EXO Berlin - Special Edition on Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation 2025

EXO Berlin - Special Edition on Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation Berlin 2025
From May 27, 2025 until May 28, 2025
Berlin - Adlershof con.vent., Berlin, Germany
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)
Categories: Technology Sector

EXO Berlin - International Forum on Assistive Robotics & Sensing Technology

27.-28.05.2025 Berlin, Germany. Features Special Topic Track Robot-Assisted Rehabilitaion - Human Centered Sensing.

EXO Berlin is a premier interdisciplinary platform that brings together academic scientists, researchers, and practitioners from all fields to exchange innovative solutions in the design, development, and deployment of assistive robots and human augmenting systems. The key sectors of hardware, software, and applications are all represented to share experiences and best practices for an industry that is human-centered and high-performance.

The first edition of the 'Special Track for Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation' was a great success. It will be continued in 2025.

Join us for a mixture of technical sessions, demos and stories from customers.

5th EXO Berlin – International Forum on Assistive Robotics & Sensing Technology.

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Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of EXO Berlin - Special Edition on Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Berlin - Adlershof con.vent., Berlin, Germany Berlin - Adlershof con.vent., Berlin, Germany


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