
HotelPoint 2025

HotelPoint Orlando 2025
From April 06, 2025 until April 09, 2025
Orlando - Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress, Florida, USA
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)

- Hotelpoint

Executive Boardrooms and Theatres. One-on-One Appointments. LIXIL/American Standard/GROHE/DXV. Omni Hotels & Resorts. Xenia Hotels & Resorts.

Innovating Hotel Construction,Design and Engineering.

HotelPoint connects hotel executives with Suppliers who are experts in the fields of architecture, construction and design. You'll be able to establish relationships with over 120 innovative Suppliers and 150 top-level decision makers that will help your business grow for many years.

HotelPoint's exclusive boardroom sessions, one-on-one meeting with Suppliers and its specialized approach make it stand out. These meetings help establish a closer and more intimate relationship. We don't use any "smoke and mirrors" here. HotelPoint is tailored to your specific needs, and we make sure you get the best out of your 2.5-day trip.

Closed-door, small-group settings for a private preview/showcase of innovations, company capabilities, and new ideas.

Brief meetings agreed to by both parties are a good way to start/continue a private conversation.

The presentation will provide insight on industry trends and other relevant topics.

In a relaxed, informal and fun atmosphere, meet new people and develop relationships!

The Point events are THE BEST in the business! "Each event I have attended has provided an impactful opportunity to connect with clients. Small group presentations, 1-on-1 meetings, fun meals and entertainment have delivered an ROI in follow-up meetings and orders, as well as the potential for contracts.".

Hits: 66

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of HotelPoint

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Orlando - Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress, Florida, USA Orlando - Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress, Florida, USA


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