
Soft Air Fair 2025

Soft Air Fair Piacenza 2025
From March 22, 2025 until March 23, 2025
Piacenza - Piacenza Expo, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)
Categories: Miscellaneous

SOFT AIR FAIR - Piacenza Expo

Register for the event :SOFT FAIR

Event details Saturday to Sunday Via Tirotti, 11 PiacenzaAn event dedicated to the world of Soft Air in all its components.Open to the publicSaturday 22nd March 10:00-19:00Sunday 23 March 10:00-18:00ESTRELA FIERE srlMobile: +39 333 5856448Email: [email protected] the websiteAdd the event to your CalendarSave to iCalendarSave Google CalendarSave to OutlookOutlook Online: Save your filesSave to Yahoo! Calendar.

An event dedicated to the world of Soft Air in all its components.

Open to the publicSaturday 22nd March 10:00-19:00Sunday 23 March 10:00-18:00.

ESTRELA FIERE srlMobile: +39 333 5856448Email: [email protected].

(c) 2024 Piacenza Expo. - Loc. Le Mose Via Tirotti, 11 - 29122 Piacenza (ITALY) Tel. Tel. +39 0523602711 - Fax: +39 523 602702 VAT Number 00143280337 Cookies.

Hits: 435

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of Soft Air Fair

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Piacenza - Piacenza Expo, Emilia-Romagna, Italy Piacenza - Piacenza Expo, Emilia-Romagna, Italy


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