
CHS Birmingham 2024

CHS Birmingham Birmingham 2024
From October 29, 2024 until October 29, 2024
Birmingham - The ICC, England, USA
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)
Categories: Health and Wellness

Page - CHS Birmingham

ICC Birmingham * 29th October 2024. CHS Birmingham 2023: A selection of visitors. Join our VIP email list. Follow us on Instagram.

Discover the best destinations, hotels, event venues and suppliers in the UK and Europe.

Meet up with friends and colleagues to network and make new contacts.

Our educational sessions will inspire you to focus on your professional and personal development.

CHS Birmingham was a great day and evening! It was a great event for my career. I met so many peers, venues, and suppliers all in one place!

I learned so much and made great connections. The destination brunch was very insightful, and I was happy to meet people who I had only contacted via email.

CHS Events surpass my expectations. It was just what I wanted. The complimentary hotel room was a great help as I had travelled 4.5 hours to get there. I spoke with as many large exhibiting venues as possible. Thank you for a great investment of my valuable time!

CHS Birmingham is a special show for the industry, and we were thrilled to exhibit for our second time. The industry gets together and it's always a great opportunity to meet new people and see familiar faces.

The show has a relaxed atmosphere and is packed with relevant content. There are many stands, and there are lots of nice touches that make guests and exhibitors feel welcome. The show is a must-attend on the industry calendar.

CHS Birmingham offers us a great opportunity to meet venues across the UK and learn what's new. We can also find out about upcoming openings and refurbishment plans, and build relationships with our venue contacts.

Hits: 745

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of CHS Birmingham

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Birmingham - The ICC, England, USA Birmingham - The ICC, England, USA


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