
Buskers Bern 2024

Buskers Bern Bern 2024
From August 10, 2024 until August 12, 2024
Bern - Buskers Bern, Canton of Bern, Switzerland
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)

Buskers Bern

300 helpers, 1000 tasks, register now. Register as a Bandeli Junior or a Bandeli Volunteer! Pre-order volumes & program booklet.

300 helpers1000 tasksRegister nowJuniorsVolunteers.

Just over three months remain until the 21st Buskers Bern Festival, which will take place from August 8th to 10th. Do you want to be a part of this festival? You can help with the festival by selling programs, ribbons and venues, helping in the kitchen or taking care of artist transfers. Or as a Bandeli Junior, you can earn pocket money through ribbon sales. Register for your assignment today! Everyone is welcome and we are looking forward to meeting you! -.

Pre-ordering the booklet and volumes is now possible. You can support the festival by purchasing a wristband. This will help cover costs like transport for artists, stage building, sound equipment rental, electricity etc. You can help cover the costs. You can find all the information you need in the program book. -.

You can also Contact Us for More Information.I'm unable to leave the festival! We experienced something so intense and powerful... Your organization was exceptional, thank you very much for your endless energy! May life one day bring us back together! Kisses Morgane (Les Bubbey Mayse)The Bubbey Mayses(2023)Thank you so much for inviting me back to your wonderful festival and city a third year! We are very grateful for this experience! You (and the guys!) have done more for this band than you will ever realize! See you at the 25th Anniversary! If you are planning a trip to UK, we would love to hear from you!Diet(2023)We thank you for all! Buskers Bern was an honor for us. Wonderful team, volunteers, food, audience, hotel, artists. Everything was well-organized. It was the highlight of our trip.Kate & Pasi(2023)Kurze Ruckmeldung: TOLL, TOLL einfach TOLL!!!! Was ihr da leistet! You will receive Buskers as well as WOW, 20 Years! Die Stadt ist in einer so suprigen Stimmung, alles (was wir um uns herum sahen) war friedlich, zufriedene Gesichter bei Kunstler:innen und Pubikum, so vielfaltig das Programm, die Essstande genau richtig verteilt, alle, wirklich alle freundlich und aufgestellt.. .So it was in those days that we were traveling and the world was bigger! Ich/wir haben nur die grossten Lobesworte fur euch!Bitte last euch nicht durch Neider oder frustrierte Kommentarschreiber:nnen runterziehen - da ist nichts gerechtfertigt! Heute konnen wir leider nicht dabeisein - aber nachstes Jahr bestimmt wieder. Geniesst es heute, wenn ihr dazu kommt, und seid stolz auf das, was ihr bewirkt!Liebe Grusse, F.Besucher:in(2023)Everything was perfect, the organization, the meals, and even the hotel. The organization, meals, hotel, and YOU were all perfect. ...:-)In our opinion, this is the best festival that we have been to ;-)[...]Les Petits Bras(2022).

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Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of Buskers Bern

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Bern - Buskers Bern, Canton of Bern, Switzerland Bern - Buskers Bern, Canton of Bern, Switzerland


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