
Solutions in Science 2025

Solutions in Science Cardiff 2025
From July 08, 2025 until July 10, 2025
Cardiff - Cardiff City Hall, Wales, UK
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)

Solutions in Science (2025)

What is Solutions in Science (Scientific Solutions)? What are the main topics of Solutions in Science? Who should attend Solutions in Science? You can find out more about exhibiting here. Supporting Partners and Associations.

Solutions in Science is a conference/exhibition organised by International Labmate in partnership with The Royal Society of Chemistry, BMSS, ChromSoc, and other like-minded organisations. The first SinS event took place in Cardiff, 2023. Both exhibitors and attendees rated it as excellent or good."SinS", a scientific and analytical chemistry conference, brings together scientists to explore and discuss the latest analytical solutions and techniques. SinS's main goal is to gather special interest groups into one large meeting, rather than several smaller ones. This will reduce travel time and costs but also increase networking.

The SinS Conference will focus on and discuss the following themes:.

SinS draws attendees from a wide range of industries, including:.

International Labmate Ltd is the registered name for ILM Exhibitions. Registration number 05818810.

Hits: 1492

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of Solutions in Science

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Cardiff - Cardiff City Hall, Wales, UK Cardiff - Cardiff City Hall, Wales, UK


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