
Studyrama Salon of Higher Studies of Bordeaux 2024

From December 07, 2024 until December 07, 2024
Bordeaux - Hangar 14, Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes, France
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)
Categories: Educational Services

Salon Studyrama des Etudes Supérieures de Bordeaux - Samedi 02 Décembre 2023 - BORDEAUX

Studyrama Fair for Higher Education at Bordeaux. STUDYRAMA FAIR FOR HIGHER EDUCATIONAL IN BORDEAUX. PARCOURSUP: CALENDAR. REGISTRATION. DATES. RESULTS. LIVE AND STUDY BORDEAUX. Next shows. Studyrama fair in Paris for Masters 1, 2, Specialized Masters, MBA and more.


You are invited to the Studyrama des Etudes Superieures de Bordeaux Fair on Saturday, 2 December 2023 to Hangar 14. Prepare for your future.

Many professionals and specialists in Higher Education will be on hand to help you refine your project and discuss the various professions and opportunities.

This show will allow you to interact with professors, students and specialists from higher education all day. They will give you the best advice on choosing your courses from more than 400 Bac+5 courses in all areas of activity (Art, Sport, Management, Engineering, Digital, Business, Marketing, Luxury, Health, Sciences ..),, your management of Parcoursup and your student experience in Bordeaux.

Parcoursup is a way to enter higher education. What are the affected trainings? What are the key dates and timeline? How do you enter your requests? How do you respond to establishments when they ask for your wishes? The show will provide all the answers.

Are you considering a higher education in Bordeaux, France? There are many famous French Business Schools located in Bordeaux, which is why they attract so many students each year. The student life in Bordeaux is vibrant and attractive with nearly 100,000 students attending schools, universities, and high schools. Bordeaux, a city with a part listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, offers a wide range of courses after a baccalaureate or after a training. Bordeaux is a green, digital, and cultural city that has a superior quality of life to the rest France. Click here for more information about student life in Bordeaux!

Hits: 1572

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of Studyrama Salon of Higher Studies of Bordeaux

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Bordeaux - Hangar 14, Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes, France Bordeaux - Hangar 14, Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes, France


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