
Ristorexpo 2025

Ristorexpo Erba 2025
From March 02, 2025 until March 05, 2025
Erba - Lariofiere, Lombardy, Italy
(Please double-check the dates and location on the official site below before attending.)
Categories: Food Industry

page - RistorExpo

Gastronomic generations. Events & Congresses. Privacy Overview.

2-5 MARCH 2025 LARIOFIERE GRASS LAKE COMO FollowFollowFollow  Gastronomic generations Theme of the 26th edition of Ristorexpo In-depth analysis Gastronomy, understood as a science that connects food and culture, is a complex and constantly evolving discipline. Different eras are characterized by a different food and wine trend which includes foods, techniques but above all a choice of consumption rituals and language through which food is described. The great historical and social changes have modified eating habits and favored the emergence of new currents of thought, therefore also of new consumption styles. Food and wine are an expression of the present, with roots in the past and a tendency towards the future. From this first reflection arises the need to understand how, within the same historical period, people of different generations relate to the world of cuisine and its liturgies. Is belonging to a specific age group as significant as belonging to different generations? It's still; Is it correct to attribute specific characteristics to different generations without running the risk of falling into easy clichés? Can we talk about analogue food and wine and digital food and wine? The lockdown has forced us to reflect on what unites different generations and what unites them, even in the food and wine sector. Boomers, Generation Discover the other themes  Events & Congresses Discover all Ristorexpo events and conferences Find out more  Exposure Ristorexpo. The professionals of away from home! Find out more Main Partner.

Hits: 1924

Register for tickets or booths

Please register at the official website of Ristorexpo

Venue Map and Hotels Around

Erba - Lariofiere, Lombardy, Italy Erba - Lariofiere, Lombardy, Italy


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