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Electronics & Smart Appliances Indonesia Expo

August 2024Jakarta International EXPO. August 2024Jakarta International EXPO. Explore the Future of Consumer Electronics in IEAE 2024. What can we expect in 2024? Get your free ticket today! The electronic and home appliances will be displayed by 1239+ exhibitors in 24+ countries. Discover specialized product categories. Electronic Consumer Products. Mobile Phone & Accessories. Computer Network & Accessories.

The latest in tech innovation at Indonesia's Premier International Consumer Electronics and Smart Appliances Show.

IEAE – The Indonesia International Electronics & Smart Appliances Expo is the premier international platform that facilitates direct connections between brands of consumer electronics, smart appliances, and manufacturers, as well as industry leaders including local and foreign buyers, agents, traders, and other representatives. Renowned brands and manufactures take advantage of the chance to display a wide range of cutting-edge and high-quality products. IEAE is the best way to gain direct access to Indonesian markets.

Find out the advantages of being a part of IEAE, the premier platform for brands and manufacturers in electronics and smart appliances. IEAE provides companies with unparalleled opportunities to establish a strong presence on the Indonesian Market. Indonesia is Southeast Asia's biggest economy, with a population of over 275 million. IEAE is characterized by a dynamic and youthful demographic, robust economy stability and heightened consumer consciousness. It serves as a platform for not only showcasing products, but also cultivating strategic partnerships and capitalizing on burgeoning opportunities in this rapidly expanding market.