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- EDTX - Emerging & Disruptive Technology Expo

Emerging & DisruptiveTechnology Expo. An excellent foundation forFuture success Are you ready to be the leader in emerging technologies?

EDTX - Emerging & Disruptive Technology Expo.

Emerging and Disruptive Technology to Reimagine the Future and meet Horizon Challenges.

One day of connecting government, defence industry, academia, and the academic world with emerging technology providers in order to build a better Australia.

Leaders in Australia's Emerging and Disruptive Technology are reimagining the future to address horizon challenges.

In an effort to provide Australia with an advantage in the global market, government leaders are looking for novel technologies that will help foster creativity, agility and adaptability. EDTX excels in this area.

EDTX isn't your typical exhibition or conference. The format has been designed to be unique. EDTX will speed up contact acquisition by focusing on 1-to-1 meetings, networking and pre-booked sessions.

There is no other event that brings together so many key government departments, experts in the industry, visionaries, and entrepreneurs to share cutting edge ideas, explore the latest trends and push innovation forward.

Building relationships across emerging and disruptive technologies.

Supporting the industry, from conception to completion.

High Impact Format that respects Time & Resources.

Emerging & Disruptive Technology Expo 27 June 2024National Convention Centre Canberra.