International Smart Retail Expo

International Smart Retail Expo

From August 28, 2024 until August 30, 2024

At Shenzhen - Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, Guangdong, China

Posted by Canton Fair Net

Categories: Technology Sector

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ISRE国际智慧零售博览会、无人售货展介绍 -深圳国际智慧零售展-深圳无人售货展

IOTE*2021 Shenzhen Smart Retail Innovation Application Summit Forum. Checkpoint, a vertically integrated RFID solution provider, will be making a great appearance at ISRE Shenzhen 2021. Who can rewrite retail by taking stock of the 5 warehouse robot leaders? . The much-anticipated IOTE2020 Shenzhen International Internet of Things Exhibition, which was held under the epidemic conditions, actually took place in this way... How can the wearables market recover from the best Q3 figures in the last three years? . Helping the world-renowned retailer Decathlon to accurately and efficiently collect traceability data. went "roll" crazy, but 618 consumption was flat. Lai Yifen, Tencent Smart Retail and Tencent Smart Retail have reached a strategic agreement to create a benchmark for digitalization within the retail industry.



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Many famous companiesMany Enterprises.

Sponsor: Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry AssociationOrganizer: Shenzhen Wulian Media Co., Ltd.Time: The morning of October 23, 2021Location: Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center, Futian Hall 1, Conference Area 1.

Market research institutes IDC, Canalys and Counterpoint announced successively global wearable devices-related shipments for the third quarter 2023.

It is the largest retailer in the world of sports and leisure goods. In the 1990s, it opened the first physical mall in Asia in Shanghai. It has over 300 malls in China. Decathlon is slowly transforming China into a global leader in retail innovation and development.