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From April 21, 2026 until April 23, 2026
At D269 A, 38100, Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Categories: Media and Entertainment, Sports Industry

Mountain Planet - Le Salon de l'Aménagement en Montagne

Mountain planning show Prepare for your trip.

Le salon de l'amenagement en montagne Du 16 au 18 avril 2024 -- Alpexpo, Grenoble (France) En savoir plus Decouvrir le film Obtenir mon badgeEdition 2024You can also find out more about JHYou can also find out more about M SJob Search Que vous fassiez partie des nouveaux talents souhaitant s'engager dans des metiers porteurs de sens ou que vous recherchiez des candidats, profitez du salon pour faire de nouvelles rencontres professionnelles ! Voir tout le programme Innovation & TropheesProgramTemps forts Preparer votre sejourSe restaurer.

Take advantage of this show to meet professionals, whether you're a new talent looking to enter meaningful careers or you're a candidate!

Prepare for your tripRestoreFeeling peckish? Do you want to have a sweet or savoury break? Want to have a drink? Here are some addresses in Grenoble and on the site.Where can I go?What about a few moments of conviviality to continue the day? After the show, what are some ideas to meet up with your team and clients?Move with easeAll you need to learn about the different modes of transportation: car, plane, tram, bus, self-service scooters, or electric bikes.