
International Industrial Control & Automation Technology Conference next edition date updated


Automation Technology Expo. Automation Technology Conference. I: Intelligent Control Systems And Optimization. II: Sensors, Signal Processing and System Modelling. Robotics and Automation. Industrial Engineering, Production and Management. Instructions on how to submit an abstract. Registration for the pre-conference. Call you back. Automation Technology Expo. Automation Technology Expo.

Call for PaperWe are pleased to announce the International Conference on Automation, Control and Robots will take place at Int'l Fair Ground in Cairo, Egypt. The Automation Conference program will include an overview/review lecture, a report on new developments and technical advancements in industrial control and automation. This is an invitation to you to submit your abstract or to attend the conference as a delegate. This conference will provide an opportunity to bring together experts in both the academic and industrial worlds to achieve synergetic exchanges between ideas and practices. We welcome all professionals, experts and managements from universities, research institutes, and companies. We would be grateful if you could pass this information on to interested parties and colleagues.We appreciate your cooperation in advance.

We are pleased to announce the International Conference on Automation, Control and Robots will take place at Int'l Fair Ground in Cairo, Egypt. The Automation Conference program will include an overview/review lecture, a report on new developments and technical advancements in industrial control and automation. This is an invitation to you to submit your abstract or to attend the conference as a delegate. This conference will provide an opportunity to bring together experts in both the academic and industrial worlds to achieve synergetic exchanges between ideas and practices. We welcome all professionals, experts and managements from universities, research institutes, and companies. We would be grateful if you could pass this information on to interested parties and colleagues.We appreciate your cooperation in advance.